Tulku | Chakra Test

Chakra Test

Find The Tulku Amulet Best For You!
Take This Simple Chakra Test.

Discover whtich chakras show up most prominently in your chart and which of our beautiful and blessed chakra amulets will be most supportive for you to wear during this time. The chakra test will help you find out.

The results you receive on the quiz reflect the Chakra that most resonates with where you are in yourself at this point in your life. Wearing that chakra will support you and your intentions the most powerfully. Having that kind of support in turn realigns everything and brings the other Chakras up in strength, which results in a more harmonious life experience.

I love to...

Disagree Absolutely Agree

I am most affected through my sense of...

Disagree Absolutely Agree

I would like to grow the following in my life...

Disagree Absolutely Agree

I love the color...

Disagree Absolutely Agree

I most struggle with...

Disagree Absolutely Agree

I fear...

Disagree Absolutely Agree

I most want to heal...

Disagree Absolutely Agree

I most want to cultivate...

Disagree Absolutely Agree

I want to invite into my life...

Disagree Absolutely Agree

The supportive relationship I crave the most...

Disagree Absolutely Agree