I am Balanced
Siva Sakti
Pancha dhatu 1" diameter
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Siva Sakti
I am giving birth to the gods and goddesses inside me, they express all their attributes and powers through me —Deepak Chopra
ShivaShakti are the eternal couple—forever in undivided union and abiding together as Universal consciousness. Siva is the Transcendent Self—the stillness from which all creations are born —made manifest through the power of Shakti,
Shiva and Shakti are indistinguishable. They are one. They are the universe. Shiva isn’t masculine. Shakti isn’t feminine. At the core of their mutual penetration the supreme consciousness opens.
—Daniel Odier
The reverse side of your amulet is the Tibetan Mirror Tibetan Dzogchen masters teach that ones true, "Buddha" nature is like a mirror. It symbolizes emptiness and the perfect clarity of the essential Self, which is pure and unaffected by the reflections of the world. The three circles represent purity of heart, openness of mind, and integrity of action. It is representative of the element water, and is used for divination or to look into the divine side of the Self.
You are the secret of God's secret.
You are the mirror of divine beauty.
Our Mantra jewelry as well as all of our sacred jewelry is blessed by Mata.
Siva Sakti
Pancha dhatu 1" diameter