Tulku | 1727813580

Chakra Test Result

Your Strongest Chakra is the Root Chakra

Your Strongest Chakra is the Root Chakra

I Connect. I Am Supported.


Root Chakra Amulet

Hand-crafted Gold Muladhara Chakra Amulet. Copper with Fused 24k Gold, 1 1/4" diameter.

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This traditionally crafted amulet depicts the symbol for the Muladhara "Root" chakra with the mantra for this chakra, "LAM", engraved on the back side.

Muladhara Chakra

The Muladhara is also known as the Root Chakra. It is the seat of Kundalini and is located at the base of the spine. The power of this Chakra establishes us in earthly experience.

I connect. I am supported.
I am grounded in the physical plane and am connected to the whole of Life.

Focusing our energy on this chakra establishes us in an experience of Dynamic Stillness. It brings us increased health and prosperity.

The element of this chakra is Earth.
The color of the Muladhara is red.
The stone used is garnet.

Encouraging patience, healing, and perseverance, Garnet is a powerful gemstone for the seat of our spiritual energy. It is a living force that promotes heat, energy, and vitality, while it strengthens our imagination, self-esteem and willpower.

Root Chakra Amulet

Hand-crafted Gold Muladhara Chakra Amulet. Copper with Fused 24k Gold, 1 1/4" diameter.

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