Chakra Test Result
Your Strongest Chakra is the Sex Chakra
Your Strongest Chakra is the Sex Chakra
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Add A Necklace:
Rudrani Coral Rudraksha Mixed Necklace
Rudrani Pearl Rudraksha Mixed Necklace Gold
Rudrani Pearl Rudraksha Mixed Necklace
Himalayan Quartz Crystal Necklace
Chain Chain Chain Corta - Gold
Chain Chain Chain Corta - Silver
Seven Chakra Necklace
Seven Chakra Necklace SIlver
Bodhi Necklace
Bodhi Necklace
3 Strand Hessonite and Rudrani woven necklace
Woven Turquoise and Rudraksha gold bead Magic
Rudraksha Coral Mala
Rudraksha Turquoise Mala
Siva Sakti Mala
Rudraksha Mala
Lava Mala
Chain Chain Chain Silver
Chain Chain Chain Gold
Soap Nut Necklace
Soap Nut Necklace Gold
Soap Nut Necklace Silver
Lava Necklace
Large Rudraksha
Nagaland Rudraksha and Crystal Necklace
Lotus Seed Necklace
Lotus Seed Necklace
Lava Mala Silver
Lava Mala Gold
Siva Rudraksha Mala
Siva Rudraksha Mala
Siva Rudraksha Mala Knotted
Laxmi Pearl
Laxmi Pearl Silver
Parvati Coral
Parvati Coral
Siva Rudraksha
Siva Rudraksha
Rudrani Mala
Rudrani Mala
Laxmi Pearl Longing
Tara Turquoise SIlver
Tara Turquoise Gold
Parvati Coral Longing -Silver
Parvati Coral Longing Gold
Tara Turquoise Longing Gold
Tara Turquoise Longing- Silver
Laxmi Pearl Longing Silver
Chakra Rudrani Silver
Turquoise and Rudrani Longing — Silver
Turquoise and Rudrani Longing-Gold
Handmade Heavy Link Chain, Silver
Heavy Handmade Link Chain- Gold
Simple Chain
Simple Chain
Men's Plain Cord
Men's Plain Cord
ZAdjustable Cords
Adjustable Cords
Women's Plain Cord
Adjustable Cords
Adjustable Cords
Women's Plain Cord
Swadisthana Chakra
This chakra, the Sex Chakra, connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation and movement. Its name means “abode of the Vital Force” or “dwelling place of the Self.”
I create, I am attractive.
I am creative and expansive. I deeply connect to others without losing myself.
Focusing our energy on this chakra grants us the experience of fluidity, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment and the ability to gracefully accept change.
The element of this chakra is Water.
The color of the Swadisthana is orange
The stone used is Coral.
Acting as an aid for meditation and visualization, coral is an agent of inner change and a powerful dispeller of negative emotions. The energy of coral resonates and embodies the vitality of our life force in it’s most creative aspect.
The mantra for this chakra, as shown in Sanskrit on the reverse side of your amulet is vam
Sex Chakra
Copper with Fused 24K Gold 1 1/4" diameter