December 28, 2021
Dear Friend,
If you're like me, you're starting to focus on the path leading into the new year. And I’m kind of frozen, sitting here with a pervasive longing born from this middle place.
The wish to be thoroughly embraced by snow falling, fire crackling, forest, mountains, wildlife, loved ones. Twinkle lights.
A whispy silvery lifeline dream thread that is gently pulling me up from my stuckness. Inviting me to remember what I want to feel— always.
Spirit and Magic.
If you are like me, you want to feel every day that you are vibrantly sharing your purpose on this earth. That you are growing and learning. That you matter. That you remind others that they matter. That you are fully alive and that your days are filled with color and mystery. That you are inseparably connected to all that lives. That you are the bright face of your beloved ancestors. That you are awake, listening, feeling, seeing the vibrancy of all beings in the natural world. As they are seeing you.That you are sharing beauty with others from a heart space and that every day you awake with excitement to do so.
That your words are filled with light.
I heard a quote the other day that went something like—"there’s a strange power in the joining of unlike things”.
This morning, in front of my altar, I was connecting with a sacred mountain that I have long pilgrimaged to, and that I dearly love. She usually shows up for me in ancient weightiness and gravitas.
But today, she showed up with an incredible and indescribable lightness.
While I can’t exactly put words to it, my sense is that, even though I feel heavy, there is something generative in that light touch. The “strange power of the joining of unlike things” alive in this moment.
Something new is born from the heaviness and lightness meeting.
The beckoning of transformation, alchemy, healing. I don’t know what it is yet, but these words are a door opener.
So I ask you, what is the freshness that is calling you forward, the enticing offering that is on invitation for you to make?
Art making has ever been my way of expressing a rich inner world. Soul has always been the oceanic undertow, and Spirit the owls wings. Allowing an oracular kind of creation to unfold through color and form is the giving birth I have experienced and the children I nourish. Inspired by nature in all her forms the palette is infinite. Dreams, sacred sites, the land and ancestors are the ones who tell me what to do. One of those things they told me to do was make amulets. In the old way, in the talismanic tradition of embodied support, alchemy and magic.
So now I humbly extend my heart to you in this question. How can I support you as you enter into the next chapter?
I work intuitively with others to uncover what the invitation forward is.
Using the Tulku Oracle deck, creating custom amulets, journeying into your dreams, and above all, deep listening, are my tools. And sometimes I create art for people from what I experience.
Let’s do some of this together.
I am offering free 15 minute consultations to see which of these offerings works for you.
Could it be a mentorship? A one time discovery process? A special amulet to support you in the work you are doing? An image born from a dream? A journey back into a significant dream? All of the above?
Together let’s see what wants to come forward for you in 2022.
Here is a link to make a time for the consultation—
I look forward to connecting and am wishing you every blessing in the new year.
Extended!!! I am offering 20% off on all Tulku, including the Tulku Oracle deck, through January 1, 2022.
Use coupon code
Solsticesankalpa21 at checkout.
For an oracle reading, consultation, or dream tending, check out my other offerings here—