January 29, 2019
“For this was on seynt Volantynys day. Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.”
—Geoffrey Chaucer, author of “The Canterbury Tales”
"It seems that, in Chaucer’s day, English birds paired off to produce eggs in February. Soon, nature-minded European nobility began sending love notes during bird-mating season."
—Abbygail Vasas
This time of year, as the growth in the earth begins to awaken from its long winter slumber and express itself in the early buds of spring, as the four-legged and winged ones find their mates and build their nests, and as we humans feel the stirrings of passion present and remembered, we commemorate February 14th as a time to show our love in the form of a gift of romance to our beloved.
This is a time that can spark delicious expressions of love, as well as a time that wakes old wounds and pokes at the heartbreak of loneliness. It is not always an easy day, and and some have come to see it as s a purely commercial event to be skipped altogether. It is also a time when friendship and expressions of love from others is particularly poignant and meaningful.
To honor love and the support we give and receive, reinvigorate the shared dreams with our beloved partner or friends, and to celebrate the new growth of spring,
Tulku is offering 20% off Jan. 29-Feb. 14, 2019
Give a special gift and choose from the many blessed amulets and jewelry that represent love, healing, and devotion.
Coupon code yabyum at checkout.
YAB-YUM AMULET pictured in TULKU ORACLE image.
Yab-Yum literally means "father and mother" in Tibetan. Yab-Yum is the depiction of the male Buddha (compassion) and his female consort (wisdom) joined together in the ecstasy of sexual union.
The union of father and mother expresses the dissolving of our dualistic fixations and the spreading of awakened heart to all aspects of our experience, transforming our ordinary perceptions into the awakened perceptions of a fully enlightened buddha.
On the reverse side of your amulet is the mantra OM AH HUM, representing the empowerment and awakening of body, speech and mind.
Yabyum is hand made copper repoussé with fused 24k. gold. Also available in pure silver and copper