November 25, 2020
Dear Friends,
My curiosity got me to look up the etymology of the word “thank” and I loved finding that it is connected to “a remembering”. I also found it holds the meaning of grace, reflection, sentiment and purpose.
To me they all make a lot of sense though I wanted to explore how purpose fits into it. When I touch into purpose from this view, my feeling is that life is all about exchange. Reciprocity brings balance, respect, and flow, and shows a remembering of value.
Purpose in the act of thanking seems intrinsic to remembering our roles in creating a harmonious fabric of life with others through exchange. Other humans, animals, plants, earth, weather, waters, rocks, ancestors, the sun, the moon, the seen and unseen ones.
On this Thanksgiving in deepest gratitude for ALL the others and for the gifts of life I receive every day, I recommit to reciprocity in my actions and to a daily remembering. It is truly my purpose as one who is blessed with life to do so, for which I am ever thankful.
In honoring of all you give, I am offering 25% off through Dec. 22nd on all Tulku.
At checkout, please use coupon code—
If you would like to gift an oracle reading with the TULKU Oracle deck to a loved one, or book one for yourself, please contact me for the introductory price of $60.00 through the end of the year. With your gift, you also receive the one time offer of 20% off any Tulku order.
Contact me if you are interested in booking and I will send you a gift certificate.
Check out Tulkuoracle.com to learn more!
PS. Stay tuned for the Tulku Oracle which I hope will be ready to be shared on Kickstarter sometime before the end of the year!
Photo by Lubosh Cech— luboshcech.com